
前面都还好,上传照片也没问题,等到“continue to use the current photo”的时候, 忽然显示:“Application Error
An unexpected error has occurred while processing your previous request. The error has been reported to the site administrator; no further action is required. To retrieve your DS-160 application, please enter your Application ID.‘ 
然后需要重新登陆, 结果到了照片这一步,还是一样。 有人遇到过吗?

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dabingjidan 的头像


我也是 你在美国填的么 我都快愁死了
我是昨儿填完 今儿想再填一份 就An unexpected error has occurred while processing your previous request. The error has been reported to the site administrator; no further action is required. To retrieve your DS-160 application, please enter your Application ID这个了

匿名天使 的头像
