

-ds156,157 要分别填吗?还是可以放一张表上?
-签证费 要分别交,这个我知道


3。系里的邀请信和学校international house的邀请信是否都需要?还是只要其中之一?还是都是optional的?

4。我拿的奖学金只是免学分的,平时没有从学校得到任何收入,这种情况下,我的个人财产证明是不是只要办bank statement 就可以了?

5。我打算签证过了再给父母买机票,这样的话,具体来美国后的travel plan就没办法写,怎么办?


匿名天使 的头像

you need do more home work ah. hehe

check out this page http://www.iflychina.net/node/9993 which may help you to answer those questions.

1. your dad and mom need fill out their own DS156,157,158(if required). all other paperwork can be shared

2. you will get 2 confirmation number when you call. one for each person. but they can go interview together. no problem.

3. both of them are optional. but it is better to have at least one.

4. Yes

5. Of course you buy ticket after they get visa. You can just write a rough plan, it doesn't need be very specific.

keno 的头像

Thanks!!! It really helps a lot!
I'll surely do more homework on it~ Thanks again!