
Atlanta <=> Beijing 往返机票

求特价机票 1张:

出发日期: August 5 或 之后 一周内;
返回日期: September 5 或 之前一周内;

出发城市: 美国 亚特兰大
到达城市: 中国北京 或上海


关键词 tags: 

Beijing H4 check



我想带两个孩子暑假回北京,六月初到八月初,从Houston出发,请问机票价格怎么样?孩子都还下,希望只有1 stop,travel time 越短越好,谢谢。

关键词 tags: 

F-1之后OPT实习一年 找工作未遂 又转F-1 好过么?

2010年12年毕业master degree, supply chain management 然后OPT实习一年 OPT过期之前转到现在的学校 MBA DEGREE, international business。

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Beijing to Chicago to Lincoln, 05/10, return 11/05

Look for a company for my mom, Beijing to Lincoln, Chicago change flight. She has wheelchair service, just look for someone can talk with her during the trip and waiting. Drop me email at Thanks.

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寻飞友 AA 11月19日 北京-芝加哥-休斯敦


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Looking for airtickets-From Beijing to Boston(US850) depart on Oct 11, 2010

Dear friends,

I am looking for two adult air-tickets: from Beijing to Boston, UA850, transfer at Chicago, and depart Beijing on Oct 11, 2010.


[签证经历] B2 北京 01/08/2009 通过

parents tried to get visa twice last year while in-law in US taking care of a new born. They have never been to US and I have green card when they first apply (I entered US as F2). Previously was reject after saw family photo (not many people on photo).

This time we did consulted congressman's office for letter to Beijing embassy. They suggested my mother apply alone this time and send letter on time right before interview. We prepared better photo this time. Asked a few common questions and passed.

What will happen if I am late for my visa interview

My visa interview reservation is 8:40am in Beijing. My flight will arrive at 8:55am.

I guess I will be arrived the US Embassy in Beijing around 10am.

Will I be in trouble?

Is there anyone has experience about late and being refused to get into the embassy?

Thanks a lot.

