


tony 的头像

I won't risk this.

If you apply F1, your application will be denied since you have your H1b status pending, which indicates you have immigration intention.

if you apply H1, hell i do not know if you can get approved. Better consult your lawyer.

Call Your H1b Lawyer before you do anything.


intermilan00 的头像



匿名天使 的头像

you can't be serious: 10-day doing nothing v.s. been rejected from entering States? You should call your laywer before doing anything.

intermilan00 的头像

I'm very very serious since I didn't see there's strong reason that I will be rejected. H1b can not be rejected by "immigration intention"; just the required documents well.

There's possibility of check, but I'm glad to stay in China for more days. Noting compares to spending time with friends and family. Losing the job? Well company makes such a decision on earth doesn't deserve working for.

And of course, the laywer isn't saying it's impossible.
BTW, it seems now hard to get interview before 20th so my interview should be within 1 month from my H1b starts, which further "decrease" the so called "risk".

匿名天使 的头像

Sounds like you already knew the answer for your question.

I would ask a lawyer: there is a reason they need to go through law school, pass the bar and been able to charge $100/Hour. They interpret the law, I can only read it. There is a big difference on the outcome.

匿名天使 的头像

Per my knowledge you cannot go.

This is same as going back with OPT. You should let your school know it. They will suggest not to go.

匿名天使 的头像

There's even case that OPT without job offer re-enter...

For applying visa 1 month ahead of time, I don't see too much difference between H1b activated at XXX and an I20 saying you should report to school before XXX.

My school only suggests no for OPT without job offer.

匿名天使 wrote:
Per my knowledge you cannot go.

This is same as going back with OPT. You should let your school know it. They will suggest not to go.

匿名天使 的头像

Go ahead, let us know the result.

intermilan00 的头像

结果是:我不到20秒就拿到签证了(去年F1是30秒,前年是1分钟……估计下次是不是直接给我了?)只问了两个问题:1、在那里工作?(fremont,ca)2、干什么工作?(ASIC engineer)



匿名天使 的头像

你的情况跟我类似。那你最后是用f1 还是用h1签证的?谢谢,着急。 因为家里有急事, 马上就要签了。