急!I797左下角的personal record丢了,签证和入境有问题吗?

我是H1B回国,从公司拿了I797原件的上半截,右下角的I94我一直订在护照上的,只发现左下角那一小块personal record丢了,死都找不到了……完整的复印件我倒还有



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karenno1 的头像


匿名天使 的头像

That is your I-94. Have you been out of USA before? it might have been collected by airlines if you have been back to China before. but you should have been issued a new one when you enter USA again.

karenno1 的头像


匿名天使 的头像

if not i-94, that will be your 797... when you interview, you need show that to VO. go ask your company to get you a copy or give you the one company has.

karenno1 wrote:

匿名天使 的头像

showing photocopy will be ok but you may be checked because of this... there was a case reported like this on iflychina