
本人去年乘坐UA850从芝加哥回北京时,因飞机延误了几个小时,航空公司给了1700元的代金券,适合用于美国境内任意两地往返,没有期限限制, 现低价转让, 有意者请联系陈女士:010-58742143 email: chen.bi@pg.com

aa4852 的头像


匿名天使 的头像

Are you sure it can be used by other people? UA may restrict it to the passenger herself.

aa4852 的头像

thanks for asking. yes, I am sure, the process is I need to take my passport and the voucher to the BJ UA counter, I can issue the tickets for other people. I can send u the vocher copy given ur email address. give me a call for further information.

aa4852 的头像

the voucher may be issued in the name of any other person.