One cheap flight ticket to China for sale

I have 50K miles on my American Airlines account for sale. If you are traveling during winter break, I can book a ticket for you. It will be a flight ticket from American Airlines. The price will be the lowest on the market. You must book the ticket by 10/01/2008. Ticket is valid for one year. Please contact me

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yuanf99 的头像

The price for round-way will be $950 as long as 50K miles are eligible for the ticket. If you have to pay $1200 for a ticket, you will save $250. So it is a great deal for winter break! Please email me at This is Not a commercial Ads.

xzhang31 的头像


I am interested in this ticket.

I would like to go back China around Dec.20 and back USA around Jan.20. From Chicago to Beijing.

Would you please tell me if I am eligible for this one.



yuanf99 的头像

Good luck!