Donated PIN: 10078730526752 (快过期了,约剩10分钟)



To: *******
Sent: Wed, July 14, 2010 5:06:10 AM
Subject: Contact us from USA Visa - (PIN Resend)
Dear Customer,

Thank you for your payment. Please note the following PIN No. for your record.
Your PIN No. : 10078730526752
Note: Please store your PIN number in a safe place. Call the USA Visa Information Service on 4008 872 333 (from within China ) and +86 21 3881 4611(from outside China ) and use your PIN to verify your payment.

Please be reminded that the PIN is valid for a year from first use, an expired PIN will not be accepted and we will not refund the expired PIN.

卡号 (Pin Number): 


匿名天使 的头像

used up, change and rebook, J2, bj, 08.15

thanks a lot